Pulp: The Beat is the Law – A film about the band Pulp's rise to mid-90's Britpop glory out of Margaret Thatcher's turbulent 80's

4,7,9.06.2012 Distrital Festival, Mexico

May 31st, 2012

El ritmo es la ley: Una fanfarria para la gente común
We are excited to announce The Beat is The Law screenings at the Distrital Festival, Mexico on the 4th, 7th and 9th June 2012. Having screened twice last month in Spain, the film continues its Spanish journey across the Atlantic for its first screenings in Mexico with Spanish subtitles. Chile has also been confirmed later in the year.

Conocida coloquialmente como “el documental de Pulp”, la película de Eve Wood The Beat Is the Law – Fanfare for the Common People relata la historia de la fenomenal escena musical en Sheffield, desde el post-punk de inicios de los ochenta y la conquista global del house, llegando hasta el Britpop. Usando a Pulp como hilo conductor, la película toca también las realidades políticas y económicas que subyacen tras la música, culminando con el inesperado triunfo de Pulp en el Festival de Glastonbury, en 1995.

More info on screening locations/times at the Distrital Festival website: distrital.mx

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28.05.2012 Primavera Sound Festival, Barcelona

May 31st, 2012

Here’s some great shots of people (and a couple of dogs) queueing up to see The Beat Is The Law screening in Spain (with Spanish subtitles) at the wonderful Primavera Sound Festival, Barcelona on Monday 28th May.
For those Spanish speaking, here is a bit of explanation of the film in Spanish:  “The Beat is the Law” cuenta el viaje de Pulp desde las profundidades industriales más oscuras de Sheffield, a través de los turbulentos años 80′s de Margaret Thatcher, hasta llegar a la cima del pop.
Pulp played at this festival last year and Richard Hawley will be playing at Primavera this year, continuing the Sheffield music/Spain connection.
For more info on the film in Spanish click here

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The Beat Is The Law goes Spanish! DOCANROL 04.05.2012

May 4th, 2012

We are very excited to announce that The Beat Is The Law is being screened with Spanish subtitles in both Spain and Mexico over the next few weeks. The film will open the DOCANROL festival tonight 4th May 2012 (coincidentally on the same evening as Pulp play the SOS festival also in Spain) and is lined up with Scorcese’s ‘George Harrison’ and ‘Anvil!’ documentaries.

Spain screenings will be at:
Docanrol 4th May
Primavera Sound Festival 30th May-3rd June,
Montjuic de Nit (the festival of festivals in Barcelona)  14th July.

Mexico screening at Festival Distrital 1st – 7th June

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A Film by Eve Wood

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